Met with Lorna and Peter last Sunday, who are getting married in September. Took my camera, with a 24-70 lens, mainly to get an idea of what exposures I may expect to use inside the church. Couldn't resist taking a few snap-shots, just to see how the couple re-act in front of the camera. These are NOT engagement photos and were taken off-the-cuff, so to speak.
Will post more phoographs after their wedding.
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
An enjoyable day with my friend Gemma was had on Sunday June 8th. Gemma came down from London to do a TTD shoot. After the persistant rain I had to put up with, at Hazel and Stuart's wedding the day before, I didn't expect this day to be full of harsh sunlight. In fact everywhere I wanted to shoot was in very harsh sunlight. None-the-less we carried on regardless, and was a great learning curve. If you would like a TTD shoot, please contact me. They're free at the moment, and you don't need to be a bride, just dress up and pretend!
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